
International Judges Seminar to be Hosted in Auckland

The Oceania Sailing Federation is pleased to announce an International Judges Seminar in Auckland, Aotearoa this May, approved by World Sailing and hosted by Yachting New Zealand. This professional development opportunity is open to qualified national judges and offers a valuable chance to consolidate knowledge and learn about the latest changes to the 2025-2028 Racing Rules of Sailing. Registration is open until February 28th, with applications being accepted through an online form.

Oceania leaders take the helm at the World Sailing committees

World Sailing has appointed key Oceania representatives to leadership positions through 2028. Notable appointments include Matt Allen (AUS) as Chair of the Oceania & Offshore Committee and Glen Stanaway as Equipment Committee Chair. Stanaway expressed humility about his role, noting his hopes to improve the sport. Aotearoa's representation includes Alistair Deaves and Raynor Haagh among others. CEO David Graham praised the volunteers'.

World Sailing Ushers in New Era with Modernized Constitution

World Sailing, our parent organization and international governing body for the sport of sailing, has adopted a comprehensive new Constitution set to take effect in November 2024. This landmark reform represents the most significant governance overhaul in the organization's recent history as it addresses long-standing calls for modernization and enhanced transparency in the sport's administration.
World Sailing New Constitution gender balance Sports

Pacific Games Final Medals Awarded

The second week of racing completed and medals have been awarded in the Men's Laser and Open Hobie competition for the Pacific Games and the Oceania Championship

First medals awarded

The first medals have been awarded for the Pacific Games and Oceania Championships after week one of racing.

8 days to go

8 days to go - The Pacific Games will run from Jul7 7 to 20, 2019

Oceania Conference 2017

Delegates from Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Samoa and Tonga attended a three day Performance & Development Workshop hosted by Australian Sailing

ENP - A sailors view

The programme its self was a whole lot of fun and a big learning experience for me.